Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are you shape your Son on principles and values?

Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez Shooting broke the silence of the night. It was past nine and quiet reigned throughout the neighborhood. No one dared go out. Don Ignacio, the sole owner of the shop several blocks around, took care of the very few customers through a very small window with wrought iron railings accused the ravages of time. Eleanor returned to reality. At that time I was immersed in the soap opera. The plot was simple: a young employee of a factory manager who falls, and the man who, looking at her just falls for her and breaks all barriers to tell you a day, with tenderness in his eyes: "I want you my wife?. She thought the story was always the same, but what to do? Quit talking with neighbors impossible. The best was killing time in front of the screen. In these was when he heard the shot. - They killed him, killed him ... - spent a neighbor screaming. She felt a strange feeling in his heart. He went to the room, running: Ricardo was not. The open window revealed that he had fled. In its recommendations had paid nothing.

As always, the boy would be with several of his friends, using drugs on a corner or perhaps preparing to steal. - Do not, she told a Day-will be dead soon -. The young man shrugged, setting it did not matter. "Everyone does it. Why could not I?? He argued. For him, breaking the law was a natural. Eleanor found, minutes later, the terrible reality had killed his son. And like in a movie, in seconds, recalled the images from the birth, on the ranch of cans, cardboard and plastics, through a student, until the day he was wounded for stealing a shopkeeper ... But now, there was nothing to do ... Statistics of concern A survey conducted recently, the One Hope in partnership Organization of the Ministry of Education of Colombia, found that 70% of 3668 young people surveyed considered normal breaking the law. But something else: that same percentage of boys and girls, he replied that week was nothing more than an hour with their parents. Twenty-six out of every hundred teens said they had had sex. Are you surprised? I have even more. Overall replied that they respected their elders in their capacity as advisers, because they trusted more on information they receive daily.

24% of those who participated in the poll, said he had thoughts of suicide to consider that there is no outlet for the problems they face. Only 16% said they had already attempted suicide. When asked about compliance with the rules set by society, 57 of every hundred boys said they do not share and which, for example, resort to cheating to win the examinations in colleges and universities. 30% said it had taken an alcoholic drink, the majority under 18 years and 35% confirmed having bet money.

Based on the Scriptures, which contain dynamic principles that help our personal and spiritual growth, I share with you a series of recommendations that will be very useful: 1 .- Educate your children on time we educate the children on principles and values. It is a spontaneous process. It involves a process that starts from the very childhood. The situation that we appreciate today is the result of a concatenation of errors of parents are reflected in attitudes rebels, fraught with resentment, and in many cases, revenge. We can not expect a superficial change, we have at hand the love of our children. Always remember: it is a process of planting principles and values. The Bible teaches, "Train up a child in the way, and when he is old he will not depart from it.? (Proverbs 22:6, 29:17) This pattern of education shared by King Solomon has application in our time. If you properly instruct their children today, you will not regret in the morning. But it is important to make the decision to raise them properly. A second aspect, but let me say that is the most important, is to invite the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in his home.

If he takes first place, keep in mind that your family will experience harmony, peace and, in case of difficulties-will be overcome through the intervention of God that brings peace and tranquility. Make the decision today! Your children, your family and your relationship will be different ... 2 .- Apply the appropriate discipline when I recently read an article on how to raise a criminal. I were very impressed with the title. Reading the text learned the errors that lead to having a child to violate every principle, and ultimately bring pain to their parents and society. This leads to consider imperative to assimilate into our lives the instruction that urges us to apply discipline our children when they make a mistake, ignoring the warnings: "He who spares the rod hates his son: but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.? (Proverbs 13:24) 3 .- Do not punish their children with anger Now, let me say that if you're applying punishment, do not dominated by the anger that leads to irrationality . His punishment should be aimed at changing attitudes and behaviors in their children, not hurt them in the heart: "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.? (Proverbs 16 : 6) I know many parents who are retained to correct their children and over time they repent, but also, who were swept up in the emotions, and not cause them pain-both physical but emotional, with ominous traces to be maintained over time -.

4 .- Share unbiblical family always remember the story of Mauritius, a young man who was tempted to fall into drugs, under pressure from his friends. It was a constant in the university: "I feel good?, Repeated to him who invited him to consume hallucinogens. And of course, not once but several times he was tempted to give way. But always remember the guidelines received from his mother, a committed Christian. So it is with us today. If we assimilate and share with our family prior experience on our part, the principles learned in the Bible, no doubt sow powerful foundations wife and children, not destroy easily. In this regard King Solomon wrote: "For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light, the way of life and reproofs of instruction ... (Proverbs 6:23) Never too late to start and from today, reading the Word can take note of principles that apply in your home. The results will amaze you! Allow God to reign in your home The best decision we can take in all the circumstances, is that God reigns in our home. Ensures a good relationship, and of course, the training of children. And all part of a decision: receive in our hearts.

It's simple. Do it now, wherever you are. Say, "Lord Jesus, receive my heart as my only and sufficient Savior. Thank you for forgiving my sins on the cross. Make me the person You want me to be?. If you took this step, congratulations! Today begins a new life. Now I have three recommendations for you. First, make prayer a daily life principle. Prayer is talking with God. The second, learn dynamic principles in the Bible that will take to implement the principles and values ​​for life and for your family, and finally, begin to congregate in a Christian church. If you have any questions, feel free to email me ... © Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez - Contact (0057) 317-4913705 Email

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