Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Is A Hangover?

A hangover is a term used to describe the effects felt the morning after a night of heavy drinking. If you are guilty of consuming too much alcohol the night before, you probably wake up with a hangover.

Physical symptoms such as headache, palpitation, a bascoso stomach, dry throat, redness of the eyes, thirst and fatigue are characteristic of a hangover. In addition, you may also experience a rapid heartbeat, tremors, headaches and sweating muculares. Mental symptoms such as dizziness, depression, irritability and anxiety are also common.

It makes sense that a mood-altering substance such as alcohol will affect your mood. Although you may feel your mood altered in a positive way at the time of consumption, the remaining alcohol in your bloodstream and brain the next day affect your natural chemicals to feel good and cause mood disturbance.

What causes a hangover?

If you drink too much the night before, there are a number of reasons why you may wake up with a hangover.

* Consuming more alcohol than your body can efficiently metabolize alcohol makes toxins accumulate in your body. A chemical known as acetaldehyde is a byproduct of alcohol and is responsible for the severe symptoms of a hangover.

* The ethanol found in alcohol has a dehydrating effect which is responsible for your headache, dry mouth and fatigue.

* The dark spirits such as red wine, brandy and whiskey contain more congeners (byproducts of alcohol fermentation process) that increase the symptoms of a hangover. Cheaper spirits are also known to cause a hangover worse because few impurities have been removed.

* Body weight can be key factors: a smaller body weight usually means a greater hangover.

* Mixing your drinks is a sure way to get drunk and carrying a hangover. When you mix your drinks, such as tequila and whiskey, you're actually mixing various poisons of alcohol together. More pressure is then put into the liver to get rid of toxins and cleanse the system flushed water out - causing more dehydration.

Help for a hangover

Without doubt, the best prevention for a hangover is to abstain from alcohol or limit their intake to the amounts your body can metabolize easily without causing too much damage. While this sounds good in theory, is not always easy in practice.

Consider a natural remedy that can be used to assist the liver in the moments when the digestive system may be under stress - supporting the body's natural ability to digest and assimilate food and alcoholic beverages at a time of excess.

Natural Remedies for hangovers

To treat a hangover from the natural way to detoxify the body of toxins (caused by excess alcohol), herbal remedies and homeopathic cures can be gentle, and very effective against hangovers. Natural remedies hangover can help your body and restore balance.

Herbs such as Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion), Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) and Pelargonium serving reniform can flush the system, rejuvenate liver and reduce swelling. It is important to remember whenever you use natural remedies from a reputable company to ensure that the ingredients are not contaminated, get maximum efficiency and product integrity.


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