Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10 things that every car buyer should know

Buying a car needs not just investment but deep thought. The market is filled with choices and temptations. Buyers need to think about what kind of car and I can afford?

Think, what do I need transportation for right now and what do I need two years from now? I want a car as a status symbol or as something that makes life easier? Will the car be a commuter vehicle, or to transport children? It would be a truck with cargo space and high clearance be better suited for a growing family? If the car being a unit with two wheels or four wheels? What kind of terrain I ride in most of the time? Go through car magazines and consumer reports to get a clear picture of the car world.

1. Work on your finances and determine what you need to spend each month on transportation. A car should not cost more than 10% of your net salary per month. If longer, then consider leasing a car instead of buying one.

2. Before finalizing anything, find out what the price is. Four figure discounts are available almost all brands.

3. Never sign an arbitration clause or blank financial forms. Try to get funding from a separate source, a bank or financial institution.

4. Haggling will get a good deal apart from shopping around for finance. The market is competitive, be sure to check dealer boyfriend, high street, lenders on the internet, as well as other options.

5. Try to ensure a large deposit thereby reducing the loan to be paid. Calculate your finances and the choice of the car so that the duration of the loan is for the shortest period.

6. Find out what incentives are on offer to purchase. These vary from audio systems to cash back offers, and 0% financing. Ask what extras and add-on cost in addition to the price of the car.

7. Be sure to evaluate your old car no matter if you are considering a trade in. Pay attention to 'cost to change', the difference between what the cost of new cars and what the old man's worth.

8. Discover the guarantees, tax and insurance. They can eat into your budget.

9. Vet the contract well. Read the fine print. Make sure you repay the loan before that time will not bring any penalty.

10. Check out at least 3-4 dealers to assess what the best offer.

Test drive the vehicle before finalizing the agreement and go through page by page booklet of the machine to understand everything that the manufacturer needs to tell you. Be clear about what is under warranty and what is not.

Never choose a vehicle based on a picture or a dream. It's not how you look in the car that is important, but how well the car will meet your needs. Be practical and sensible: do not buy a model because the dealership offers a vacation for two or a pattern of low interest. Identify a vehicle that suits your needs before subjecting yourself to attack marketing.

A monthly budget of families is the cornerstone of your financial future

For most households the monthly budget works something like this, every month and every month the money gets all the money goes. That's how it works around your house? Do you know where all your money goes? Unless you have control of where your money goes and how it works for you on your future financial well-being is on shaky ground.

If this is you then seriously need to think about creating a family budget, because your money needs a plan to follow. Almost everything you do in life revolves around a project of some kind. Most jobs require some sort of plan that you want to be efficient and profitable. Successful companies not only follow a business plan, but also have a budget that allows them to be productive and profitable. Look at it this way, if you ran the finances of a business in the same way to run your household finances how long would your business?

If you do not like the word because it seems too restrictive budget then consider creating a cash flow plan. Whatever you call it your money needs a plan to follow, unless of course you like living paycheck to paycheck.

You have financial goals? Are you doing anything to reach them? There are things you would do, but really have no idea how you can do, because you have no money? Here's an idea. Write down what your goals are, where you want to be financially in 5 years, 10 years, when you retire. Now the top of his head thinking about what is standing in the way of your goals. Chances are you are not entirely clear what monetary obstacles stand in your way. It might be an idea, but the picture is not clear.

A monthly family budget paint a clear picture of where you currently are with regard to your finances are concerned. You'll see exactly where your money is going and this allows you to come up with a plan to regain control of your money.

Once you see where your money is you can take the necessary steps to start working towards your financial goals. You have too much credit card debt? How about eating out 5 nights a week? Believes that $ 400 car payment, plus a depreciable asset really help you achieve your goals? These are just some of the matter when you start asking all your monthly expenses are placed in front of you.

The first time you write your monthly household budget, or cash-flow plan will probably not be very pretty. The important thing is to have taken the first step to gaining control over how your money works for you. Once this is done you can start building a solid financial future .......

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The benefits of adherence to a Strong Marketing Plan

When a company begins before the first thing they will do in relation to marketing is to design a marketing plan. In this way you plan to keep your business going and how you plan to develop a strong customer base.

I do not care what kind of business you run, you must have a marketing plan in order to effectively market your company. If you do not have anything like compared to what marketing you are going to be very misleading or lack proper focus, because they simply do not have a general approach. This is what will create a marketing plan for you.

Why would someone avoid making a marketing plan? The main reason I've seen listed is because people do not want to feel trapped by the marketing plan. What happens if a marketing plan called for printing brochures and decided to change seats and posters. Why spend time creating a marketing plan if you're just going to do something different from it, or if the plan itself bind your hands?

This is not a particularly good because it is taking certain aspects about a marketing plan that simply are not true, or are a sign of a bad plan, rather than a good one.

The best marketing plans are not going to force the use of a single type of advertising. I would never make a program that said I had to use the print brochure and could not use something like postcards or books.

Instead, a marketing plan will deal with the message you're sending, and not specifically how to send this message. This means you have to do the proper research before you start your marketing plan in order to be sure to have something good to tell people.

Yes, if you plan to do a marketing plan you should be sure to stick with it. A moving message leads people to think a business is unstable, or makes it difficult for them to really understand what the business has to offer. This is the rigid nature of the marketing plan that many misunderstand and apply a form of marketing rather than marketing the message.

Instead of seeing this as something that could harm your business instead need to embrace as a way to keep yourself focused and on track. If you can stick heavily on your marketing message and be sure to drive that home to your customers that you will be better able to present itself as a stable society that we enjoy doing business for years.

This is what leads people to become loyal customers in a store. The site offers a strong message and then stick to that message stronger, showing that they meant what they said. Do not avoid a marketing plan because they do not understand what they represent. The best marketing plans do not prevent you from doing something, but it will help make all that marketing is so concentrated that you can .......

Tax Delinquent Property Investing With Jack Bosch

Jack grew up in a small town in Germany, went to school and then college and then in the U.S. for an exchange program. He did not want anything to grow, but there were no extras either. It 'came here in 1997 for the exchange program. During this period he met and married his wife. Here is his story.


Shortly after, I was doing ok money, but working 70 hours a week! I was the only member of my family in the U.S. and my wife and her family was from Honduras. With our families so far away we would spend a good amount of money to see them. I kept working my work, but in the meantime I started looking for another opportunity that would fit my criteria, which basically was that I did a lot of money and gave me a lot of free time. We looked at least 20 different companies and none fit the bill.

In 1999, we started in real estate investing. I was still working at my job when we later discovered Delinquent Tax invest. It took 3 years to understand all the details of the business. During the period of trial and error, I devised a system that you can buy hundreds of properties and sell for huge profits. Since those days I made more than 5000 real estate transactions using the system I've discovered. As my business grew, I could quit my job, and take 4 weeks off to travel and visit to see our families. This year we are planning to travel for three months while making huge profits.

The advantages of the Tax Delinquent Investing Properties

There are 4 advantages in reality ...

1. Low risk of buying property with virtually no risk.

2. There are advanced techniques, where you can buy a good property for literally pennies on the dollar, free and clear, months before the tax lien or tax deed sales.

3. Tax liens and tax deeds are borne by the government. You can not get safer then that.

4. You do not need a lot of money to start, or know much about real estate. I started with no clue about real estate and only a few thousand dollars to invest.

Better to fix and flip

This beats the fix and flip because there is no need to sink a lot of money in renovating a house. These types of offers you can really get in the hole if repairs go farther than expected. I stay away from such risky business. Now, with investment tax delinquent properties can be bought for hundreds and sell them quickly for thousands even tens of thousands more. I bought a property for $ 323 and sold in 3 days to 35,000.00. Although it was proved to be worth less, I still made money! I purchased 21 properties for 3,000 and I sold them in three months for a total of 150,000.00.

If your stick at a job done right to know how worried about your retirement as if I were a few years ago, I only have one question for you. What is going to take for you to change your future? You need to do things differently then you have been doing them if you want a different result. Tax Delinquent Investment was my ticket to a better life could be yours? ......

Christian principles of investment

God is the perfect partner for any Christian investment program. After all, he provides all the seed we and He multiplies. Any investment program should be based on activities of multiplication that God supplies, as shown in the parable in Luke 19:12-24 of the Stewards. The seeds are preserved then lead to a bigger yield next time. How to show our faithfulness, He will give us even more. Our responsibility is to return to his job.

Reasons to Invest

Assumption of investment is focused on God for our attitudes. The money can be used for the comfort and convenience of our families and to provide the needs of others. It can be used to spread the Gospel or used for destructive purposes.

If misused, such as the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-30, money can be an object of devotion and idolatry. The love of money has separated families and shattered friendships, too many broken marriages.

Christians must evaluate why and how they want to invest the surplus of the investment will be used, in light of the principles of God. God does not condemn prosperity No, but it hates evil attitudes that often accompany prosperity. These attitudes are greed, avarice and pride. Because ultimately, the attitude will determine how a surplus of investment is used, it is vital to discover what attitudes God wants us to have the money.

Are you aware that there are biblically solid reasons for investing, and there are scriptural reasons for investing? If you are investing for the wrong reasons is like a fireman with a ladder leaning against the wrong building. No matter how high you climb, the people who want to save are in another building.

First we will evaluate why people invest and accumulate money, and then look at the reasons biblically sound and fragile to invest.

Why do people invest?

1. Others recommend it. Many people invest simply because someone has told them. Word of God says to seek good advice, but we must weigh all counsel received against His Word.

2. The envy of others. People want to invest and accumulate wealth, simply because they envy other people and their achievements.

3. This is a game. Some people invest because they think it is a competitive game. They are often so wrapped up in the competition who sacrifice family, friends, or health, in order to win the game.

4. Self-esteem and ego. Accumulating wealth will get others to envy them. This is why they use their money in an attempt to acquire self-esteem and strengthen their pride and ego. A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor? (Proverbs 29:23).

5. The love of money. Who loves money will not part with it for any reason. Their lives are characterized by hoarding and humiliation. This is a kind of idolatry. First Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5 and Luke 9:25 caution against the love of money.

6. Protection. Some people accumulate money thinking it will provide protection. This attitude puts the money as an object of trust and security, rather than God.

7. Indolence. Do not plan well during the first years of their life that panic and try to generate in five years what would have saved over the past 20 years.

8. A spiritual gift. There is only one reason why God provides a surplus of wealth to a Christian is such that others' needs can be met. Before God entrusts more wealth to Christians, must be found faithful in the smaller amount first (Luke 16:10-11). God promises His blessing to all those who freely give and promises His curse on those who hoard, steal, covet, or idolaters.

There are three reasons biblically sound basis for investing.

1. Multiply by giving more. The parable of the talents recorded in Luke 19:12-26 tells us that God entrusts wealth to some of its administrators so they will multiply and will be available to him at a later time.

2. Meet the future needs of the family. The indication for the whole Word of God is that the heads of families should bring their own (1 Timothy 5:8). Good planning is necessary to set aside a portion of the surplus for future needs.

3. To further the Gospel. If the Church can never break the habit of borrowing, Christians who invest must maintain some surpluses and be willing to give the legitimate requirements.

There are four unsound reasons for investing.

1. Greed. Greed is the desire for more demanding, and only the best (1 Timothy 6:9).

2. Envy. Envy is the desire to achieve based on the successes of others (Psalm 73:3).

3. Pride. Pride is the desire to be high because of material results (1 Timothy 6:17).

4. Ignorance. Ignorance is following the advice of people.Once sore Christian has accepted that the purpose of investment is to serve God better, the crucial decision is how much to invest. Much prayer is needed and a plan for use and distribution of potential surplus must be made before the money becomes available. Set goals and pray about each goal groped before making any investment.


Being rich or being poor is a matter of providence in the will of God, and He will give us only what we can handle. God, in His eternal plan, has decided to use us to provide and fund his work. One day, we must all stand before God and give account of what we did with its resources ....

County Property Records - The neighborhood is at hand

The records of property ownership and sales are available for almost every city and county of the United States. It is considered public information and can be read by almost everyone, from individuals to corporate offices. Most recordings are available online. Those who are not, or the most recent real estate transactions can be seen at the court house records.

County property records show the size of the property and the names and addresses of all owners. It will also show what book to note the transaction is physically recorded onto other information such as current taxes and a record of all transactions relating to such property, as when it was recorded and each time has been sold.

Real estate agents as well as individuals find these discs to be a very valuable resource. Having the true dimensions and other information recorded on any property that is sold at your fingertips makes the search much easier. Having access to geological information and the layout of the land or property is of great help if you are considering future construction or expansion.

Most of the county property records can be accessed online by going to the site of the county government for that area. They can be searched by address or name owners. Current and past tax records should be available for the properties under investigation. Some sites allow information on the physical aspects of the area and some do not.

The county property records can also be physically searched at the court house for the county where the property is located. Copies of deeds are available at very nominal costs. A copy of the map Platt is also available.

GIS mapping is available at most of these sites. E 'available online. This gives a more detailed view of the satellite properties. It will also show the owners of all adjacent properties. The landscape, forestry and water bodies will also be shown.

County property records are available for anyone to search for real estate properties. All title companies or have someone who is an expert in this task or hire someone to do it. Every act of property title must be dismissed as to the property before a transaction can take place .......

Monday, September 10, 2012

Making customer satisfaction surveys of work

Why bother?

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. Although new customers are important good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. With each satisfied customer your business is likely to win many more customers through recommendations and remember, if you're not taking care of your customers, your competition will.

A customer satisfaction survey will help you not only identify problem areas, but also to demonstrate to your customers that you care about and are proactive in finding ways to improve the service provided.

Where to start?

Objective - Before you start compiling your survey you should first consider what the objectives of the survey, so you can stay focused and find it easier to decide what questions to ask.

Analysis - In addition to the objective consider also how they analyze the responses that have completed the survey. Keep in mind that 'closed' questions (where the respondent is asked to choose between a limited number of responses) are easier to analyze than to ask 'open' (in which the defendant may respond in any way they want). Much will depend on the volume of respondents, the greater the volume the most important thing is to have a simple method to analyze the results.

Opportunity - Keep in mind that, in addition to achieving significant market research data customer surveys are also a good way to publicize aspects of your service that customers may not be aware of. After having prepared the survey to read the survey in terms of market research and verify that you are asking the right questions the right way and that with the feedback information to be able to make informed decisions. Then, read the survey in terms of marketing, make sure you have formulated each question so that every opportunity has been taken to promote your business? The ideal question will perform the following three functions: -

Market research - provide valuable feedback to help improve levels of customer satisfaction and in turn your business

Marketing - promote aspects of your business

Information / Education - advertise a service that you expect that your clients may not have been aware of

For example: - There is the shop-changing facilities useful?

With this question not only the store receive good feedback on the facility they provide, but also advertise their baby changing facilities and promote themselves as a family-run store beyond those customers who have a specific need for the service provided.

Good and bad - to benefit more than a customer survey you must be prepared to dig deep and accept the worst. A customer satisfaction survey should be designed to highlight problems so that they can be addressed, the regular customer satisfaction will prevent complacency and also give early warning of where competitors may be losing business initiatives.

What to ask?

Although each company is likely that specific and unique factors that are important in providing good customer services there are common areas that are relevant to all businesses whether it's a physical store, internet based or service sector. Here are some key areas to provide good customer service.

Communication - We make it easy for customers to communicate with you? When a customer telephones is the phone answered promptly, have questions about products or services properly handled? A good deal will make every effort to ensure that any customer query that is solved with the right person, quickly, courteously and fairly. If a problem is not resolvable immediately do you promise to respond in a certain period of time and does not comment on your promise? Use a customer satisfaction survey to confirm that all staff are perceived by your customers as a helpful, courteous and knowledgeable.

Location - Do your customers find it easy to visit you, if a physical store, is conveniently located with easy access?

Pleasant, making it easy - For a virtual tour, it is important to ensure that the site is aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Physical store or website, is the store properly laid out, can your customers find what they need sufficient information and help available to explain how a particular product?

The right quality products - Not only should you measure the quality of service provided, but you should check that the products and services that the market is what the customer wants and closely match their expectations.

Value for money - Cheap or expensive is not always a good measure, the value of money. Do your customers equate your business with value for money, if not, why not?

Speed ​​and attention - No matter what the business, most customers want to be resolved quickly, but carefully. You are doing everything possible to avoid delays? Good businesses will try to treat every customer as an individual, not yours? Attention is one thing, but this must be hand in hand with a swift and satisfactory resolution of the query.

Demographics and Specific issues - Take the opportunity to profile customers, for example, where they live and what is their age? The more you try to understand your customers the better you will be able to target your business. Within the survey allow customers to highlight the problems and provide specific details.

And after?

After you have completed the survey analyze the results.

Trends - look for the common and specific areas where the service is failing. Ask yourself if the criticism is valid and there is something you can do to solve or minimize the problem?

Training - The staff is properly trained and have sufficient knowledge? In the case of staff training programs have been implemented have had a positive impact on business?

Follow-up-If a client who has completed a survey has raised a specific issue ensure that they are contacted and their complaint. Do not miss the opportunity to solve a problem and keep a customer.

Continuous Monitoring - Make-changes and then measure by issuing further surveys.

The following sample survey customer satisfaction with a store demonstrates some of the areas discussed, please visit: Sample Survey ...