Saturday, September 1, 2012

Location, Location, Location - Choose Your Address

Congratulations! Have you started, named and launched his own business. Undoubtedly, this is an incredible feat that involved many choices of great size.

Although perhaps not a huge decision, selecting your business address is nevertheless essential to consider. Of course, when you run a business out of your house you are going to put an address at the top of the letterhead. Other than using your home address - which has the potential to have customers see while you are with your family - what are the options?

Of course, using your current home address is an option. However, many business owners may seek a more professional image, or simply to divide the personal and working life.

For consideration, we have outlined a couple of additional options below - ie mailboxes and mailbox services.

PO Box

Most people know that a post office box (PO box) is a single addressable lockable box located on the premises of a railway post office. In fact, in many developing nations, there is no home delivery of mail, and postal boxes are the only way to go.

Generally, mailboxes are rented at the post office or by individuals or by companies on a monthly or annual rental cost varies depending on box size. While the houses mailboxes used to be a standard rate, today, a post office can fall into any of the seven categories of fees by location.

A catch: Only mail and official USPS notices may be included in a mailbox. If you are a business that is often based on shipments, this might not be possible unless you use the actual address as a destination for home delivery. For more details on the actual service, visit: # wp1055113.

Mailbox Services

The UPS Store and Mailboxes etc., are two examples of mailbox services that business owners have provided services beyond the traditional mailbox. Some benefits include an actual street address, some companies prefer to promote more professional corporate image. Moreover, these services provide e-mail notification and the package, shipping, receiving and storage.

As you might expect, the cost is the biggest differentiator between the mailbox and mailbox services. Estimates show that the mailboxes UPS and similar services can cost up to three times more than a post office box.

However, you receive additional services, and for some, having an address physical activity is important. The next best step is to evaluate some of the key factors: cost, professional image, the needs of packet delivery, and the actual volume of correspondence is conducted electronically. Taken together, these can help determine the solution that is right to address the particular needs of your business' .......

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