Monday, September 3, 2012

Safety and care after surgery Liposuction

Today many men and women of all ages are turning to plastic surgery to fix the parts of their bodies that were able to modify to their standards through diet and regular exercise. One of the most popular procedures today is liposuction, also known as lipoplasty.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is performed by a plastic surgeon and is used to remove pockets of fat tissue from the body using a vacuum device and a small tube known as a cannula. The cannula is inserted into small incisions placed on the body and substantially sucks the unwanted fat.

Who is a good candidate for the procedure?

The best candidates for lipoplasty are people who are at or near their ideal weight and have skin elastic. The procedure is used to remove the grease simply to sculpt the body does not, as a means of weight loss. With the aging of the body begins to lose the elastic properties of the skin that makes older people less than a good candidate for liposuction than younger ones, because the results will not be so good.

Is liposuction safe?

The procedure is relatively safe as long as it is run by a board certified plastic surgeon, and you take care to follow your doctor before surgery and after care instructions.

How do I prepare for liposuction surgery?

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with materials and instructions exactly what you should do to prepare for liposuction. One of the first things you should do is stop smoking at least one month prior to surgery. This will help your body heal more quickly and reduce the chance of complications.

What should I do after my surgery?

If you have lipoplasty, you must make arrangements for someone to help take care of you, your children and your home in the weeks after the procedure. You will be sore and need assistance in caring for the things to avoid injury and allow your body to heal well.
It can be put into compression garments after surgery and will need to follow the instructions from the surgeon when they can be safely removed. Also, if you exercise regularly you will need to wait to resume exercise until the plastic surgeon can know that it is safe for you to do so.

How long should I continue to see my plastic surgeon after surgery?

Once healed from your surgery, you need to see your plastic surgeon, once to verify proper healing. You may also need to see your surgeon again just to make sure you are healing well and getting the most out of your liposuction. It 's very important that you keep all appointments and allow the surgeon to evaluate the healing of any problems that may occur. Staying on top of your attention you can secure the best possible outcome .......

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