Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Art of Negotiation

It may seem a trite phrase, but really the negotiation is a learned skill. It 'something that makes you personally and professionally in the driving seat and once you have this skill, you can barter for goods in Tijuana or corporations for goods and jobs.

My favorite story of negotiation is one in which a person receives a phone call from people student loans after many years on an old debt. And yet, this does not seem in any way relevant, it is because of his reaction. Although it should react knee-jerk thinking about his credit rating or sue all aspects, it does not. He says he'll look into it and even if the other person becomes belligerent, he's calm and cool. The other side of this conversation has shown all their cards. They have threatened to sue. They threatened to destroy his credit. Yet, he persists in it that will. Knowing that they have shown their hand, seven days after the same person phones back and offered him $ 8,000 loan from her, if he leaves and gets a bank loan. And he still does not jump right to obtain a bank loan. Wait another week to see if the person will fall in price, after all he knows all too well that showed every single card they had. Not afraid of being sued or who have destroyed his credit. They have nothing else and now they are bending to him.

His ability is there to hear the other party as they laid their cards and then did not respond in an emotional way.

The trading in its truest sense means listen to the other side, trying to understand where they come.

And 'the ultimate art of looking before leaping and skipping the handshake and the contract. Instead, art is what you want to improve by setting these objectives unstoppable and even leaving some leeway on things that do not really care.

Say for example, you were invited to join the business temporarily. It goes to the first meeting with a list of what you want out of it and listen to the list the other side as well. You can at this meeting agree on anything, or maybe there is one thing. Everything else, you say you will go home and think over the next few days. But it takes a week instead. In this way it defines even more. If you really want the deal, you have struck fear into their hearts. If you do not have fully shown their cards, they can now.

In this way, the other side often counter to keep your interest. Not showing your hand too early, you may be in a better position.

The negotiations are not emotional. Refusing to act emotionally and you are halfway there. Also, remember that the person who says little and shows fewer cards retains ultimate control .......

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