Sunday, August 5, 2012

Positive Psychology: You can teach a child to be happy?

POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: You can teach a child to be happy?

Being happy is the ultimate human desire, and the greatest desire we have for our children.

Just as modern psychology has been adopting a positive style that emphasizes the positive emotions that enhance individual health and life psychophysical relationship would be very beneficial for families also adopt this style for children to grow into within the family that can grow and develop healthy and happy.

What is the positive style of contemporary psychology?

Since its inception and until not so long ago, psychology focused only on the pathology of mental illness, in weakness, in suffering: all terms that lead us to portray the human being from the side of life negative, like a victim bound hand and foot that can do nothing to change their fate. Today, from well-supported studies, expanding and enriching the intervention framework, and also away from any pseudo-managed by a fashion guru, the new psychology ceased to focus on mental disorders, to face the man from his side positive. It is no longer to repair the broken, to eliminate the negative, but are involved from an approach and stimulation of human potential and strengths, positive emotions, values, strengths, optimism. In short, the emphasis is on mental well-being, good living, quality of life, that human beings can, in addition to healthy living, emerge stronger from adversities, crises that might encounter. It is important to make clear that this is not to eliminate negative emotions, but that focus and stimulate positive emotions that act as an "airbag against the difficulties that may be experiencing.

Given these difficult circumstances, they are there and can not be changed, what we can change is the look and attitude to these events that happen in life. It is to them as an opportunity for growth and evolution, rather than seeing them as an apocalypse.

Specifically, what is the role of family in the expression of positive emotions?

Guys like sponges absorbing the emotional climate that can be expressed in the home. If we show by example that nurture positive emotions, as they are developed, they will grow stronger and becoming less likely to experience negative emotions and they will be generating positive emotional climate and optimistic.

Can she teach a child to be happy?

We teach you to be happy if we recognize that we are the mirror where you look and:

- Within the family generate a positive emotional climate

- Recognize and appropriately express our emotional states

- Finding opportunities in the midst of difficulty

- Leaving strengthened adverse circumstances

- We practice expansive smile and good humor

- We can see that the negative is nothing but a part of existence

- We implement strategies to increase family welfare

- We are very confident that exists all around us

- We put into words the feelings

- We remain hopeful even in difficult situations

- We cultivate the values ​​and virtues

- Foster positive emotions such as joy, love, humor, hope, among other

- Foster a climate of contention

- We encourage the ability to be happy

- Clear messages express our love for Him

- We respect your emotions

-We guide through affect

- Do not humiliate

- We love our son just because

- We set the limits

- Do not overprotect

- We appreciate your strengths

- We show that mistakes are a learning opportunity

- Confident in their ability to solve problems

- We focus on their abilities, not weaknesses

- We show that adversities are temporary

Before leaving I leave a question: Is not this the best time to learn and teach your child to be happy?

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