Monday, August 6, 2012

¿Plebiscite or referendum?

Today it is common to confuse the two terms. Information services (especially television) have contributed to this confusion by using indiscriminately either word.

Both the referendum and the referendum are considered as instruments of democracy as they allow the exercise and expression of the will of citizens. Here are their true meanings.

Plebiscite. It is a form of popular vote in order to decide on an exceptional problem that does not presuppose a legal act. A government appeals to people for a plebiscite only to hear from you.

Referendum. It is a direct popular vote on a matter of public interest. It is used more regularly than the plebiscite. Through this constitutional formula, the governed are directly involved in public decision making. It is also a manifestation of popular sovereignty. The plural form is referendums.

So if our government calls a referendum, is to know what you think about a particular case, very different is that we are invited to participate in a referendum, as in this case our vote or opinion will directly influence the decision-making and therefore, in the direction that will take the country.

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