Sunday, August 5, 2012

Depth of Christianity Christ

The spiritual dimension of human and divine depth in his axiology transcends the dimension of the physical world of matter, even though its starting point is an analogy that is based on it because the world is not strictly spiritual dimensions.

In the depth of Christ the meaning of the universe is the man to the intimacy of God. Through it not only possible but because of reconciling science and wisdom, spirit and matter, physics and metaphysics and hyper-reality - the cosmic and divine that transcends our reality in the cosmos. The truth of science leads to wisdom or loses its meaning and this happens both in the physical world of matter as in the metaphysical and spirit. In its spiritual God is the reality of things time and the man Christ is the reality.

The nature of human knowledge and its meaning in the universe have a full explanation within it clear that the presence of light chiaroscuro of mystery. Scientifically the interpretation of consciousness is described only as a function of neuronal activity more without achieving explain some of its enigmas. The phenomenon of consciousness on the border of the quantum universe to the real-world insight and elementary particles suggests the presence of an observer who may in turn suggests an awareness of God and man.

Monotheism in the top of the Revelation is the apotheosis of the kingdom of God that the divine light reveals the mystery of life itself of God. This mystery, perhaps the greatest of Christianity is revealed by Christ in Christian theology as an article of faith is called the mystery of the Trinity. Christ as a witness to the intimacy of the divine life to be like God of his heart be known to us the eternal pre-existence before time and creation in the context of eternity. In turn, the mystery of redemption that requires his death and glorious resurrection are the starting point and the beginning of the new creation.

In it we have the doors open to the Mansion of the intimate life of God provided in the given time be counted among the elect. It's amazing but true that in Christ God shares the deepest abyss of the divinity to the summit of his glory.

Being and his bowels

Infinite springs to the top of being

Christ from the depths of her womb

Divine Spirit is sovereign,

Overcoming his being a matter

Body and soul in man is serious,

Spirit of man is man.

Man and God Jesus Christ is the way

And the man who saved resurrected

Because God's immortal love invites

Spirit of God is his destiny.

For the infinite glory of his name

The universe exists for man,

Spirit of God, the world explodes.

Eloquent silence your voice

Always speak the Spirit of God,

His divine Word never silent.

Hear his voice

And the matter explodes

That is in God.

Intimacy with God

In the eternal complacency exists

That in Christ man shares with

Spirit and matter are science,

The divine Word is poetry

At the fountain of wisdom,

Observers God and conscience.

The human soul feels his presence

That requires the worship of latria

The spiritual man is not fantasy

And God is divine consistency.

Reciting poems of the Psalter

Elucidates that being is a mystery

In the presence of the Almighty.

The fullness of being happy makes

Fully in the light of the Gospel

Spiritual man, wonderful!


It transcends fantasies

Enjoying God.

Wonder of God

Human life is wonderful

Divine Wonder

Divine plan to invite all people

It expands or contracts the universe,

Infinite mystery to the mind

In the kingdom of God in Christ immersed.

By excelling in depth

Incandescent light and love eternal

Divine intimacy dimension

Mystery of his being, Christ evident.

God to the bottom of precipitates,

Divine plan beyond the created world

With all the universe that has triumphed.

Deeply Christ is risen

And the new world more humane,

Eternally has deified.

Come created world,



The Witness of God

One God and three persons

Divine revelation in Christ's humanity is divine

Witness Christ of monotheism

That the divine being in his divinity

It is integrated in one unit,

Whoever sees me sees the Father in oneself.

For the love that unites them is that gap

In absolute perfect privacy

And in the vastness of his inner life

Cherish that love without illusion.

Primordial Creator and the created silent

Father begets the Son out of love

His being the eternal Son begotten.

The Holy of Holies is sacred

Three divine persons in one God

Father, Son and Spirit of Love

One God

In the divine life

And three people.


In the eyes of God was necessary to redeem

The Christ had to die to resurrect

Christ is life at the top of the pain

When he dies on the cross we deserve,

Life dies, but not love

That which we know resurrected immortal.

Eternal life emerges in its splendor

Good overcoming evil as we understand,

God full of glory for his honor

That is the immortal victory we want.

Eternal light was lit it

In your body off in such a way

A dark shadow of death.

Spirit encourages and high heat

The light that lit the world on,

Feeling itself the source of life.

The cross is ours,

Christ is the award

And makes it his own.

Creator and Creation

Endless night beachfront and the universe

Your Silence is cry of the soul

Waves are the voices of the seas

Silence of the light, speak quietly

Universe of starry skies,

Sing psalms and songs ocean.

Sing the soul cries and sorrows

He laments the good desired waiting

In desperate love the land,

God in silence and sacred Lares.

The angels start singing

And our soul to yearn for the infinite

His silence at night, our altar.

Be all of creation to worship

Meditate that silence is resurrected,

And is the name of God that is registered.

Creator Creation

And universal night,

To worship.

The Trinity

Father and Son in the unity of the divine

Personally for Love United

Eternal love in the divine

Divine joy of heaven

No one knows the Father except the Son

Eternally begotten.

Eternal life of love in unity

The glory of heaven, blessed

Untangling the tangle land

Kindness and truth love clarity.

When he dies and resurrected

The Father bears witness

That Christ is his beloved Son.

It's divine heritage and heritage

Paternity and filiation together,

Inseparable, that God cares more.

As God is

Triune God,

Christ in us.

The divine light

God illuminating light and love life

The heavens and the earth

The light at the drop of dew

It is not all sun or stars

Transparency and look beautiful things

Beyond the clouds ship.

Infinite Eternal Light in amount

More deep and bottomless all of it

The intimacy of God their most beautiful light

Springing from Him as divine river.

The light illuminating the infinite

Is a divine, light and calm

Transparency divine whole soul.

It is the perfect eternal truth written

Being of love and kindness to the breast enrolled,

The drop of water in flaming heart.

The divine light

Creator and Creation

All lights.

The glory of the Kingdom

Vomit God the proud and gives grace humble

And love and glory of his being

Is greatness of man be proud?

Neglecting God is their Creator,

More true greatness is to be humble

Fully accepting the Savior.

A man's pride is its bad nerve

By behaving arrogantly before the Lord,

Serve your Word, to the tilde

Interest of the servant.

God throws the proud and destroys

If humbles himself exalts him and rebuilds

Be humble before God, is a genius.

Builds us humble meekness

Not without a brain nerve, but wit

It is the glory of his kingdom.

Thy kingdom come,

Justice, love and peace,

Eternal life.

Monotheism in the summit

One God and their unbreakable unity and glorious

One of his divinity Trinitarian

Superior to the error of pantheism

Being all in all and all

Resurrection instead of dust and mud

The reality of God, monotheism.

Christianity is the Mystical Body

Human and divine Christ in their accommodation

Creator and creation are so

The reality, divine mysticism.

Love of the Father in His wisdom

At the summit of being, the divine

Christ, the light of that glory and His way.

Monotheism worship of latria

Pantheism is not idolatry,

It's full of soul and its destiny.

One God

Unlike in three persons;

In our souls.

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