Monday, July 16, 2012

Uterine Fibroids In A Pregnant Woman

Previously it was believed that fibroids were developed during pregnancy, the response to hormonal stimulation, but now we know that eighty percent of uterine fibroids remain the same or shrink, according to research, only twenty percent increase in size, on the other hand fibroids greater than three inches, are usually the cause of symptoms during pregnancy, and uterine fibroids larger six to twelve inches may become smaller during pregnancy.

According to doctors, the syndrome of painful uterine fibroids, in which cystic spaces are also common during pregnancy, medical treatment consists of analgesics, fluids, rest and antibiotics, in addition to these medications and if they do not reduce symptoms would require medical intervention. In fact the fibroids during pregnancy will depend on their size, number and location, in the opinion of doctors, fibroids found in the lower uterine segment can increase the risk of abnormal fetuses, the need for Caesarean section and the possibility of postpartum hemorrhage.

In the case of uterine fibroids in pregnancy, according to doctors, infrequent complications, would be disseminated intravascular coagulation, a cervical pregnancy, fetal abnormalities, among others. Fifty percent of women with fibroids have no symptoms, according to doctors, if not set a precise diagnosis, these studies are often confused with pregnancy symptoms, so it is essential to verify and pay close attention to data The patient, in addition to track timely, adequate and appropriate treatment from the beginning of pregnancy.

Where do fibroids grow?

The doctors divided into three groups of fibroids in the uterus, depending on where the majority develop in the uterus fibroids grow within the uterine wall, others under the lining of the uterus, between the muscles of the uterus, or the exterior. There are so-called stems, which grow on the surface of the uterus, or within the cavity of the same ... continued on next page

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