Friday, July 13, 2012

Kegel Technique for Premature Ejaculation

Kegel exercises were developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel to strengthen the muscle pubocoxigeo, with the goal of preventing, treating and / or cure urinary incontinence, later it was learned that official also premature ejaculation. To perform Kegel exercises first thing you should do is locate pubocoxigeo muscle or pelvic floor muscles. In order to strengthen your muscle pubocoxigeo is important that you take the time to make sure you are exercising the correct muscles, you may have to try to find it several times, so take your time.

There are several ways to find, for example when you're urinating, try to stop the flow of urine completely and continuously urinating again, at which point the muscle that acts to stop urination is pubocoxigeo muscle. Another way to locate the correct muscle if you have trouble stopping the flow of urine voluntarily, then imagine that someone enters the bathroom while you are urinating and you need to stop doing it. Pubocoxigeo muscle is the one to strengthen day by day, not only to cure premature ejaculation but also to prevent other problems of a urinal.

Now that you have found the pelvic floor muscles, you can exercise even if they have to urinate just follow these simple steps: Tighten the muscle for five seconds (count 1 ten thousand, ten thousand two, ten thousand three, ten thousand 4 ten thousand 5.) relax and tighten again for 5 seconds. You can make 10 to 20 Kegel exercises three to four times a day.

Another way to perform muscle exercises is as follows: Tighten the muscles of the anus (like you're avoiding going to the bathroom), hold the contraction for 5 seconds, then relax the pelvic floor muscle exercise and repeat the contraction and relaxation of 10 to 20 times per day. With the passage of time can increase the number of contractions. Doing Kegel exercises remember not to stop breathing, do not push down, squeeze the muscles at the same time imagine you are trying to raise them, do not tighten your stomach muscles, buttocks or thighs, relax after each repetition.

It is advisable to combine this technique with others or with medications to control premature ejaculation, seek professional help in serious cases and always remember that all is fair in time to find the best solution, do not miss too long to make the decision to seek a cure for premature ejaculation effectively and to halt the consequences.


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