Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to seduce a woman to take her to bed quickly

If you really want to start closing the deal and let the nonsense about the seduction is concerned, then you understand that this is not the charm for many phone numbers or to get to talk to the girls, this game is fun to get to sleep with the girls, to share the best sex with them endlessly, can transform your sex life into something you never did you ever imagine a time in your life.

To understand how to seduce a woman to take her to bed you have to have a sexual presence, or have to respond and accept your sexual called from inside you without these is like if you had no fuel to push your car, does not work nothing if you do not have enough sexual energy.

Whenever you meet a girl you have to start climbing physically, I mean by this, just to touch, no matter if you take your hands, your arms, give her a hug or a kiss on the cheek, you have to touch it, you tell the person you're talking to her because you like and do not mind telling you physically. A rookie mistake is to communicate verbally like a girl, it's like insecurity, lack of conversation, and it is like telling the girl that you only care about their physical, probably will not have much success with a game like this. On the other hand if you play, you have fun and connect with it when success is assured.

The rule is this: if you want to see him speak, if you speak want you to touch, if you play it wants the kiss kiss and if you want to sleep with her, is the technique of scaling, do not say that do this like crazy pervert yourself through the experience you will notice when give each of these steps, but try not be a coward.

If you want to learn how to attract and seduce beautiful women with ease, just click here.

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